Sunday, July 7, 2013

Tiberias, Israel July 5th, 2013

We arrived at 4:20pm. It was a 10 hour flight from Newark. United does a good job. We laded 10 hours on the nose. We were met by our guide who helped us load are all too many suitcases, (as he told us) and off we went throught the almost empty airport. Tel Aviv must be the slowest big city airport in the world on Saturdays. Friday evening until Saturday evening being the Jewish Sabbath, nobody is traveling. Theat worked out well for this Catholic family of four that had never been to israel. The highways were almost empty, so the drive was very nice. Two hours to Tiberias. When we arrived we realized quickly that we all needed food and a shower. Kathleen opted to go for a workout and we brought her takeout from Big Ben's on the coastal front of the Sea of Galilee. Once well fed it was off to the showers and lights out. I am up early watching the sunrise over the Sea of Gailee, which is really a lake. It is fresh water and is fed by the Jordan River from the north. The rainy season here is November to April. Our guide said there is no chance of rain until Novemer, so if it is raining where you are and you need to dry out a bit, either choose Death Valley in the US or come here to Israel!

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