Monday, May 14, 2007

We made it home to Alabama!

I guess for any of you that like a happy ending, here it is! We made it home. All of our luggage did as well. The children were happy to see their friends at school and have enjoyed telling them about our adventures. We have some "coming home" pictures I will post. They are on the laptop and I need to go through them and post ones I think you will enjoy of the last "leg" home.
We have 2 bags of 30 left to unpack. We have been going through all of our treasures that we bought all over the world! I should take pictures of all that and show you the mess!!
Please know we are now in hot spring weather here. It got to 90 degrees on Friday! It will be a hot summer. The kids are out of school on the 24th of May and then we are off to Lake Martin for the summer. I will post again with some pictures, but wanted you to know that our trip did end happily ever after!