Thursday, May 21, 2009

Seward, Alaska 5-20-09

Seward is a clean little town that is walkable in a few hours. Nicky and I hit the town looking for a Subway, which he Googled and found the address, and a grocery store. Found both. Along the way, we saw some great sights. A family that had driven from Georgia to Alaska in a camper! That's quite a haul!! We saw totem poles, eagles, otters, kids walking home from school, some crazy signs. This is where we learned that Seward is closer to the North Pole than it is to Tokyo!
The mountains surrounding the small town were all snowcapped and beautiful. While Nicky and I were on our walk into town, we made sure we talked plenty loud just in case some "just woken up from their slumber" bears decided to make us lunch!!
No bears around. We were safe, and the grocery was a Safeway! Sould have known we'd be safe!!
A sealife museum and a library in town were some highlights. There is a quilt hanging in the library that 30 some odd gals made that has 36 sqaures depicting all the wildlife in Seward. It seems that in Alaska, quilting is quite the rage!!
One restaurant in town boasted of Musk Ox and Reindeer! We did not go in as the day we were there the special was "Donner". We just couldn't...

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