Quilt shop! They had a nice one. Abby's Reflections. The gal that owns the shop is not named Abby, but she let us take all the photos we wanted and was very helpful. She was surprised to learn we were fron Alabama and had been gone from home since Jan. 12th...very nice lady, very nice shop. If you are ever in Sitka, look her up, she is right across the way from the Russian Orthodox Cathedral.
Two little girls were bare footed and happy to have their after school snacks out in their yard. Very cute little girls.
The main street looks like something from Gunsmoke, but in color.
The extra large totem poles in town were beautiful. Actually, the one in the photo is one of the oldest in Alaska! An extra large cast iron miner made for a nice photo in front of the old folks home! It was built in 1934.
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