Special to all mothers, was the message (in English) we watched the "yard men" display. The patch of grass is real and so are the mums (could be British humor) with which they made their message! Just amazing and really nicer than an e-card if the truth be known!
All Charles wants for his upcoming birthday is his four front teeth! The dentist here was not available! We will have to wait until we get home to get that birthday gift!
Nicky needs a haircut but was not quite sure about the barber shop he found.
The Chanel window was "high" fashion...at least the heels were!
Buildins built on reclaimed soil...hundreds of them. Our cab driver told us that 100 years ago, none of the area we are riding on existed. It was the sea!
The window designers here give NYC a run for their money! The window done with just hangers was done by a gallery and was advertising a bank.
We saw the sunrise and the sunset in Tokyo today. We can say for sure that Japan IS the "Land of the Rising Sun"...it was up when we got up at 4:15a.m.!
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