Brazil's fifth largest city and a former capital of Brazil. 2,000,000 plus people.
Every city seems to have a market. This gal wanted us to buy the cowboy hat for Kathleen but we never made it back to her stall. We will have to find one in Rio.
The old city sits on a bluff and you can take
Behind the Cross is the Catholic Church San Fransisco, not much on outside but beautiful on the inside. The blue tiles were in the courtyard . They depicted the explorers coming from Portugal to Brazil. Many of the tiles right now are in the state of repair. They would not let you take pictures inside. Inside the church was amazing. The gold on all the altars with beautiful walls a
nd ceiling. It was almost as beautiful as anything you'd see in Rome. All the ceilings were painted, amazing it could all be housed in a building that is so delapidated on the outside!
The pictures continue to be just unbelieveable. You have been gone only two weeks and it seems like a month to me. You should be in Rio this morning so I expect to see lots of pics of Carnival. I'm sure Nicky knows, but just in case, the Bears and the Colts will be in the Super Bowl. Take care, and be safe, Love to all, Aunt Kathy
Mary and Charles,
Just got your Christmas card and immediately logged on to your website. what a trip! We look forward to following your progress and living vicariously through you. Your children are so fortunate- what a fantastic learning experience!
Mary and Stilly
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