This is a picture of the hallway going toward the gift shop area of the ship. That is to the left. The computer lab is to the right.
There is an excursion desk where you book all the things you do when you get to port. This is a picture of that area with Charles debating on what to do.
This is a picture of the mainstaircase of the ship. This is the 4th level where most of the kid games happen.

Kathleen on the mainstaircase. It is quite impressive. Beautiful hardwood flooring with marble. Very nice!

Kathleen met the patry chef that made the world map out of chocolate. He is from Hungary. Very nice but we had to show him on the map where Alabama is!!
The Compass Rose restaurant with a fine winery. This is where we celebrated Nicky's birthday and last night's dinner.

Bocce. One of the kids favorite games to play.
This is part of the pool deck. It shows the large "recievers" the ship has for the internet for us to have this blog.
Kathleen met the patry chef that made the world map out of chocolate. He is from Hungary. Very nice but we had to show him on the map where Alabama is!!
The Compass Rose restaurant with a fine winery. This is where we celebrated Nicky's birthday and last night's dinner.
This is part of the pool deck. It shows the large "recievers" the ship has for the internet for us to have this blog.
The tall blone guy in the middle of the net is our ship's captain! Captain Dag! He is from Norway and a really great guy. He is very sweet to Kathleen as he has a daughter 12 years old. Kathleen thinks he is all that and a bag of chips! He is about 6' 6" tall, blonde and has a smile that would melt an iceberg! She is trying to plan a trip to Norway in the summer!!

More of the captain volleyball.
We have another full day at sea tomorrow! We will have more INTERESTING photos when we get there. It seems, from a friend that plays trivia with us, that there are turtles that are there that existed when Napoleon lived there! Plus, I will try to buy up as many post cards as we can write because it seems that the postmark from this island is the hardest to get. Hope you get one!! If you don't, I'm sure it got lost!!
More of the captain volleyball.
We have another full day at sea tomorrow! We will have more INTERESTING photos when we get there. It seems, from a friend that plays trivia with us, that there are turtles that are there that existed when Napoleon lived there! Plus, I will try to buy up as many post cards as we can write because it seems that the postmark from this island is the hardest to get. Hope you get one!! If you don't, I'm sure it got lost!!
I found your Christmas card while cleaning off my desk this afternoon and decided to go online and see if you'd posted yet -- all I can say is WOW!! I'm very impressed -- feel like I've been at sea for three weeks myself. What an incredible adventure you are having -- and obviously you're all getting along, so you won't be taking me up on my offer to come along for a segment or two -- Rats! Enjoy -- I can't wait until we get to Africa!
Mary, you all look like you are having so much fun. I love the pictures, keep it up. I'm enjoying my vacation from the privacy of my own home!! ;-)
Love ya,
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