Kathleen and Nicky have made friends with a Scotsman. John Robertson! He wore his traditional dress to dinner! The white thing in front of his kilt is a sporran which is a pouch that Scots are supposed to keep their valuables in. The kilt has no pockets so the sporran serves as wallet and container for other personal items.
A picture of Kathleen and the Baggo board. One of their favorite games to play with their new found friends at sea.
Nicholas waiting his turn to play Baggo. You can see their friends are not 9 and 11 years old! They are wonderful people and great to the kids though. Tough competition too might I add!
The first sight of land since Rio was this morning at 8:00 a.m. It is a SMALL island in the middle of nowhere that belongs to Brazil. The only thing there is a camp of sorts, that scientists go to for 3 months at a time to study the ecology there. All we could see from the ship were a few birds and some plant life, not much. It was formed from volcanic eruptions over a period of many years. Molten rock that comes from one layer of earth called mantle erupts through the earth's crust. This builds up over many years until the island is above the ocean. Birds deposit seed and eventually there is some vegetation. This Island is named Trinidad.
Hawaii was formed this same way.
There are "gents" hired by the cruise to teach people how to dance. This is one with Kathleen. This was from last night's dancing after dinner and she got a nice lesson.
We had a fun busy day and it s almost midnight. Another full day at sea tomorrow. Will try to post some pictures of the ship so you can see our moving home on the water.
As I am signing off we are at Latitude 19 degrees 40' 41" S and 24 degrees 06' 05" W
Our next stop is St. Helena. This is an island controlled by the British. It is where Napoleon was exiled and died. However, he was dug up and sent back to France in 1840. More on that tomorrow.
1 comment:
Wow...Kathleen looks so pretty in her fancy dress and Nicky so handsome in his tux!! They will be all over Dancin' with the Stars when they get home. When do you get to eat the chocolate world map?? Love to all, Aunt Kathy
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