Monday, April 13, 2009

ALL OKAY After Bangkok 4-14-09

It seems the news is all terrible coming out of Bangkok. We are a few days behind on the blog due to our trip into Bangkok, which was wonderful. Did not see any riots. Saw a few "Red Shirts" but no problems at all. We are fine. Will update you on riding elephants, speeding up river like James Bond in Bangkok...and much more. Stay tuned...


Unknown said...

Hi Kathleen, This is Peggy Field ...(my screen name is Michele!) Thank you for your post card on Easter Island. The Stone Heads ARE truly fascinating. I recently saw a program on the National Geographic Channel that suggested the stone heads were created by Ancient Alien Astronauts. Imagine that! How many pins has Nicky collected? I enjoy reading about your adventures. Thank you again for the post card. - Love Peggy

Aunt Kathy said...

I am so glad to hear you guys are safe. The riots on TV did not look good. It is wonderful to hear from you and know all is well. Love all, Aunt Kathy