Thursday, July 3, 2008

Istanbul, Turkey July 1, 2008

Leaving Birmingham for a new adventure for sure. Our computer capacity has been bad, better now. The kids were happy to leave for a new area of the world The Black Sea!

The Turkish flag flying behind the kids!

A restaurant called self serve. The self serve meant you ent up to the butcher, fish guy etc.. and pointed to the meat you wanted.

Apple Juice Turkish style! It was obviously from green apples and not Nicky's favorite!

Something the Turks stole from the Egyptians!

Something the Turks stole from the Greeks!

Inside the Blue Mosque. The most famous in Istanbul.

Thought this was worhty of a shot. No sitting on the steps!!

St. Sophia's church is no a mosque. The castle like building is where the "crown jewels" are kept! NICE!
Kathleen and Nicky standing in Europe at the Palace with Asia in the background. A band played at the palace. Our big purchase! A new rug. You will have to come to Lake Martin to see it!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Hey Welden family,

I was clearing out my favorites folder when I realized you are on another adventure. It looks like you having a wonderful summer! I love keeping up with your travels so I am glad I revisited your site. Take care.

Valerie Duren