Berlin. A historic place where East met West in 1989, when the wall separating East and West Berlin came down. Berlin. A city thats buildings were 80% destroyed in bombing raids in WWII. Berlin. A city with 5 million people. Berlin. A city where you can take a walking tour that ends in a parking lot. The parking lot that you are standing in is the site where Adolph Hitler held up in his bunker and died. A parking lot! That is what his memory is now! Berlin. A city that has a Holocaust memorial, not nearly sufficient for what happened there. Berlin. A city where soccer and beer are the most important things that happen. Berlin. A city that is still rebuilding after WWII and has done a phenominal job of doing so. Berlin. A surprise of a city for us. I hope you enjoy the pictures. They don't do justice for the history they hold. We were diverted all around the city as they prepared for the arrival of Senator Obama. There were actually Obama '08 balloons up and people handing out flyers trying to get us to come to his speech which is set for the 24th. We had to leave. Missed it.
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