What do you do when you have been at sea for 5 days to entertain yourselves? You depend on fun friends like Lynn Giordano! Here she is teaching the kids how they use cutlery in NYC to amuse a crowd!! Very nice Lynn!! Kathleen will be a pro by the time we get back to Alabama.

Nicky found the two cutest girls on the ship to arm wrestle! He was 1-1. Seems the girls workout! They are Shari and Meghan, both dancers on the cruise ship cast. We had inner with them last night and they we up for arm wrestling afterward!

Jay Silberman, in Captain Dag's old Blues! He bought them at a charity auction yesterday. The funds raised go into a "savings" account set aside for the crew. Jay looked quite the part at dinner and managed to turn many heads as he worked his way through the dining room! I have a feeling we will see this coat on Jay a lot!

We ha a physics lesson at dinner. How can a toothpick and two forks that have their tongs wedged together, balance on the edge of another toothpick or the edge of a wine glass full of wine? Is it magic?? It was certainly amazing! Rui, the wine steward, showed Kathleen this wonderful dinner table amazement! People came over from other tables to watch what was going on at our table!

A true balancing act! How do they stay like this when the seas are so rough??

Kathleen in her David Copperfield pose!! Chuck Walker looking on and can't believe what he is seeing!

A really wonderful and generous lay on this ship is Mrs. Barbara Clutz. We traveled the world with her last year and we were happy to see her again this year. Barbara also purchased some items at the charity auction we went to this morning. Knowing that all the benefits go to the crew fund, she and many were very generous. We bought a few things but Barbara walked away with MANY wonderful items and I am sure the crew was happy she came with her checkbook! Some of the items that got very pricey we things that came from the official Olympics stores in Beijing. We went to Beijing last year but these items were not available then. If you have noticed Nicky's sport coat, you have seen all the pins he has collected over his years of traveling. Well, they had official Olympic pins at the auction. The prices of the pins got into the hundreds of dollars and and Nicky left the auction without a pin. Mrs. Barbara Clutz has watched Nicky collect pins and bought 4 of them. She came up to Nicky at trivia and told him she wanted him to have one of them. What a surprise for him and what a true gift of kindness from Mrs. Barbara! Thank you Mrs. Barbara, Nicky will wear his pin very proudly and always think of you and how generous you are not just to him but to everyone around you!
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