We had an early tour to see the site of the first Olympics! What a site it was! The road sign let us know we were headed in the right direction! The site 2500BC, was amazing to walk though. The picture of Nicky and Kathleen lined up for a race IS the original stadium. Sand is what the events were held on and there were no seats, everyone that came to watch the games sat in the grass along the sides. When the Romans took over Greece they added their influence which can be seen in the archway here to get into the stadium. No mortar holding these rocks up. The weight of the rocks on each other have kept them there for centuries, was it safe to walk under? We made it! Those Romans sure liked arches an they knew how to build them for sure! Maybe McDonald's was first conceived by the Romans!! The flame! Who knew that the flame was lighted on an altar?? This is the altar where they light the flame every four years and the flame is then carried across the globe to the current Olympic site. It is now making it's way to Bejing. They used to leave the flame buring 24/7 but now they only light it every four years for the ceremony. I thought it was always burning. I was a little disappointed! I guess they would have to hire someone to watch the flame if it was always there?? Gymnasium. From the Greek word Gymnos. Meaning nude! This is the beautiful site where the first gym was! The first athletes competed nude. The gym is where the disrobed and ran out! Now when you pass a gym you'll know why there are always showers and changing rooms there. This is one of the seven Ancient wonders of the world. A UNESCO site. We have been fortunate in our travels to add this to our list. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are in Iraq! I don't think we will be completing our list anytime soon!! CHEATERS!!!! If you were caught cheating in the Olympics, your name was engraved in the stones at the entrance of the stadium for all to see FOREVER. They should still do this!
Kathleen, I am so sorry I missed your phone call today. I love reading the blog and looking at all the pictures. Looks like you are 6 hours ahead of us. Love to all, Aunt Kathy
Wow! You are seeing some incredible things. Kathleen, you're going to have a lot to teach all of us about Greece before Greek Day.
So the Olympians participated in their birthday suits??? Wow! I would've won ALL contests at that time, as I would have ran them all off once they got a look...LOL
Were there any Americans listed on the wall of CHEATERS?? Or was that put to a hault before we started participating in the Olympics? You may have given the dates, but you know...I teach math! Reading comprehension? Sometimes I miss those little details :0)
Glad you're having a wonderful time. You are missed!
And tell Kathleen she needs to post for more pictures!!
I am so sorry I missed your phone call today. I love reading the blog and looking at all the pictures. Looks like you are 6 hours ahead of us. Love to all, Aunt Kathy
Wow! You are seeing some incredible things. Kathleen, you're going to have a lot to teach all of us about Greece before Greek Day.
So the Olympians participated in their birthday suits??? Wow! I would've won ALL contests at that time, as I would have ran them all off once they got a look...LOL
Were there any Americans listed on the wall of CHEATERS?? Or was that put to a hault before we started participating in the Olympics? You may have given the dates, but you know...I teach math! Reading comprehension? Sometimes I miss those little details :0)
Glad you're having a wonderful time. You are missed!
:0) Miss K-
I finally got on !!! I am glad you are having such a wonderful trip! Miss you all!!
Love, Mary
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