Because Tenerife is caressed by trade winds, they have a very mild winter. They have one of the most diverse landscape for such a small place of anywhere I have ever seen. In a matter of hours you can travel from the busy port, to verdant forest land, to an arid lunar-like landscape, walk on volcanoes, see golden sand beaches and even look up high to see a snow capped Mount Teide which dominates this island. The island is free of pollution and rarely has cloud cover, especially high clouds. This makes it a perfect place to build an observatory. We saw their current observatory which you will see in the pictures but they have under construction a new observatory which will be the largest one in the world! This came in handy for our study of space week at school!! I would like to make another trip back to this place. The guide said the best way to come here is to fly to London and then take a direct flight to Tenerife from there. By the way, they have not had another plane crash since that disaster in 1977!! Let's look at our wonderful day...
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tenerife, Canary Islands 4-22-2007 .
Because Tenerife is caressed by trade winds, they have a very mild winter. They have one of the most diverse landscape for such a small place of anywhere I have ever seen. In a matter of hours you can travel from the busy port, to verdant forest land, to an arid lunar-like landscape, walk on volcanoes, see golden sand beaches and even look up high to see a snow capped Mount Teide which dominates this island. The island is free of pollution and rarely has cloud cover, especially high clouds. This makes it a perfect place to build an observatory. We saw their current observatory which you will see in the pictures but they have under construction a new observatory which will be the largest one in the world! This came in handy for our study of space week at school!! I would like to make another trip back to this place. The guide said the best way to come here is to fly to London and then take a direct flight to Tenerife from there. By the way, they have not had another plane crash since that disaster in 1977!! Let's look at our wonderful day...
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wow! i cant beleeve it! u r coming back! on 2sday! may 1! awsome! i have sooooooo much 2 tel u! i meen...wel u hav a lot 2 tel us! i meen....this is hard.......oh! i got it! we both can tel us each someting somthin tat hapen'd. a'rite? goooooooood. u must be homesick! i wood be. actually, if it meens gitting away from a certain someone....(i'll tell you wen u get back!just remind me!)then all meens! let's go! okay. soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo0o0o00o0o0oo00oo0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o00oo00oo000o0o0o00o0oo000oo00o0o0oowatcha doin? Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! come back! come back! come back! come back!come back!come back!come back!come back!come back!come back!come back!come back!come backcome back!!come come back!come back!come back!come back!come back!come back!come back! as rhegan is typing, i'm not reely typing. i'm actually just copying and pasting. it's actually quite fun.Oh ye4ah! By this letter you can probably tell who this is. I did this on my last letter so you already know. It's the 1 and only.....PARIS MARIAH SANSON MALENSEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that amazing!!!!! In your head you're probably thinking "ssssuuuurrreeeee. whatever." (plugged-up nose voice)I can read the future darling, don't stress me. JK LOL! Uh oh! BRB! I type you later! Bye! PARIS MARIAH SANSON MALENSEK
Hey Kathleen,
This is Ellie again, Soon i wont be able to type 2 u bcuz u r COMIN HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o happi! Do u have a webkinz? Patrick says hi. Our sub! is makin us get off so cul8tre
Ellie Rembert
hey kathleen it is rheagan! we really miss you I can't believe you are gonna be here on tuesday!!!!! just kidding about the miss glenn thing well I gotta got out to my locker cya
Hey Kathleen!!!
What's up??? Only 5 more days 'til your back!!!!
Class drags on and I wish it was over!!! How is homeschooling? Probably way more fun!! G2G 2 my locker!
~Caitlin Curtis~~
Hey! Kathleen! You! Haven't! E-mailed! Me! Yet! Do ! It ! Now! Okay! Now! I can't wait til you get back! I heard about the presentation and it sounds soooo cool! I wish I were you! See you latre(lay-tray)! Bye! PARIS MARIAH SANSON MALENSEK
p.s. EMAIL ME AT Got it? That's S-A-N-S-O-N-M-A-L-E-N-S-E-K-@-B-E-L-L-S-O-U-T-H-.-N-E-T
Hey Kathleen this is paris again. rheagan lerned that pongo el chiclay in la ba sooda from me because my mom taught me. g2g
It is Sara Douglas!!! How are you today? I am good. I miss you so much!!!!! I wish that is was there with you. Are you having fun? I know that you are having a blast. Are you on the boat right now???? Do you have a webkinz? If you do what is your username? If you do mine is horses1125. Will you please e-mail it to me? at we have the closing cermoney for space week today. I am so bord with out you. I sal you on the rock with Nicky. That looked very fun. Where you climing it? Or just playing on it.
Sara Douglas
Hey Kathleen! What's up? I've been really bored lately. what about you? want to now what i'm doing right now? i'm typing to you. you still haven't emailed me yet. i even spelled it out for you. you're a meenie head. now that i read my old letter i will have to remind when i read this letter i will remind myself again to tell you who it is. do you have a Webkinz? If you do....GIVE ME YOUR USERNAME!!!!!!! my username is DecemberDimples. what's yours if you have one? I really want to know!!!!! Right now, sydney's clueless about how to get to your blog. and now i'm helping her.BRB................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... hold on.... i think she's got she's got it!!!yeah!!!! finally that took long enough! I was just holding down the period button while i helped her. i deleted some bacuse it took up most of the page. oh yeah. this is PARIS MARIAH SANSON MALENSEK!!!!! Bam! oh yeah! right now it's 8:47 a.m. and she just told us our science grades. I got a 95% but i don't know what i got wrong. i want to ask her but she'll just say that I've got to wait. I'm going to go. Bye!!!
hey kathleen
its sydney. i miss you so much can't wait to see you next week.
i hope you went to hawaii because i did over spring break soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun! i hope you had as much i did. bye!!!!!!!!
Hey Kathleen,
\Wat is been up?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? So0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o0o how r u ? Wut is ur fav type of candi? MIne is ummmmmmmmmmmmm i re4le dont no! WEll we were just wondering! WEll we got our science test back and guess wut i got ! A 95%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH! I MISSSED 1 TRUE AND FALSE ? DANGIT!!!! WEll g2g cul8tre! EMAIL ME!
Ellie Rem,bert
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