Chef Tobias, from Germany gave us the grand tour.
Wetoured the meat lockers! Look at all those hamburgers! The picture o Charles and Kathleen is sideways for now. I could not go back and fix it before I started this. We have had access trouble over the last few days and I am trying to upload this before I lose the connection!

The filets are wonderful. This guy was trimming them and he is also the chicken butcher!
This guy is a chopper! He was chopping all the olives needed for the salads that night! Good night nurse the olives for 700 people! Nicholas said only 698 because he and Charles don't eat them!
A look of surprise on Kathleen's face at all the vegetable and fruit storage. Keeping it all fresh is an art that Tobias is well paid for I am sure!

Loads and Loads of supplies. I was glad to see plenty of it all. Would hate to get stranded out here in the Indian ocean and run out of strawberries!! Which by the way, came from Brazil that we are eating now and are really sweet. 
This is a sampling of what we do to fill our sea days when we are not doing school work. I apaologize for the delay on posting. I will try again to put picture of Nairobi on this afternoon. However, Kathleen and I took Cha-Cha-Cha lessons yesterday and she is becoming quite the dancer. We danced with the "gents' before dinner and after dinner and actually learned the swing and foxtrot. We both have new appreciation for the "Dancing with the Stars" show. Dancing class starts in 5 minutes. Got to get our dancing shoes on.
The filets are wonderful. This guy was trimming them and he is also the chicken butcher!
A look of surprise on Kathleen's face at all the vegetable and fruit storage. Keeping it all fresh is an art that Tobias is well paid for I am sure!
The bakery!! The smell was amazing. The head chef was preparing a tasting that they do daily before they decide what will be on the menus at which restaurant. A fun job to have. The pastry chef is from Budapest.
Here is the head patry chef with his baked apple creation with cinnamon and carmel. They did not let us taste it!
Here is the head patry chef with his baked apple creation with cinnamon and carmel. They did not let us taste it!
This is a sampling of what we do to fill our sea days when we are not doing school work. I apaologize for the delay on posting. I will try again to put picture of Nairobi on this afternoon. However, Kathleen and I took Cha-Cha-Cha lessons yesterday and she is becoming quite the dancer. We danced with the "gents' before dinner and after dinner and actually learned the swing and foxtrot. We both have new appreciation for the "Dancing with the Stars" show. Dancing class starts in 5 minutes. Got to get our dancing shoes on.
Went to two lectures this morning. One by an astronomer that is telling us about the stars etc...we are seeing where we are. Tonight he will take a laser on the top deck and if there are not many clouds he will point out constellations for us. Another speaker was speaking about geology in the area we are traveling.
1 comment:
I think I can smell that bread in Alabama. Very cold here and some snow flurries today. Happy Valentine's Day to all. Love, Aunt Kathy
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