Our guide was Vemal. He is a Buddist. We wanted to see the temple he "belonged" to. He took us. You are not allowed to wear shoes into the temple. Not good news for Nicholas. He asked for a locker, as he did not want someone to take his shoes!! He loves his new Nike tennis shoes and did not want to trade them for someone's sandals. He/we all put our shoes in locker # 23. We chose that one because it was one of few that had numbers on them.
You are not allowed to turn your back to the Buddha and have your picture taken. What we are looking at are the offerings of flowers, rice and water that people had been by for morning prayers and put on the altars.
The temple has it's own elephant. It eats over 200 pounds of food a day. You can see in this picture a man with his hand in the elephant's mouth. That is his job. He stands there all day and feeds the elephant. Those tusks were pretty intimidating.
This is a sacred shrine inside the open aired temple. Inside this shrine there are relics of well thought of monks. None from the Buddha.

All these Buddha's were a gift from Thailand to Sri Lanka.
Kathleen outside the upgraded Pier 1. It was a beautiful shop. MANY bargains to be had there.
They did not steal our shoes!! As a matter of fact, it looks like nobody but the Welden's used a locker!

This cannon was left over from their Dutch days.
This was a shocking sight for us. Their twin towers. Not nearly as beautiful or as tall as the twin towers we lost on 9/11, but a very quick flashback for Charles and me.

The US embassy. Could not see much. Mostly a wall. A lot of security. We were happy to know they had one.

I did not know if I would ever see a sign like this again, had to take a picture. I don't know if any of you at home are looking for colleges for your daughters right now....
My biggest disappointment of the day. This is Independence Hall. Looks kind of see through doesn't it? This is where the "cobra man" is everday playing his flute and charming a snake out of a basket. We looked for him and asked many people. The story went that he made enough money the day before that he did not come to "work"!! Our luck it was the cobra man's day off! I felt like the Griswald's when Wallyworld was closed! I had to settle for a postcard of a cobra man. Our guide assured me I will see a cobra in India. I'm counting the days!!

Who knew that Feb. 20th is St. Bridgette's Feast Day?? Guess what, this is St. Bridgette's convent and private school. It was beautiful. They were having a celebration at 5:30p.m. but our ship sailed at 5:00p.m. Missed that too!

LUNCH TIME!!! Everybody dig in. After you figure out what you have here.

Kathleen and Nicholas are tryng to decide what they have in front of them The national food here is rice. They give you a lot of rice! Eating on a banana leaf. On the left is a fish ball, lots of peppers in the middle, some chicken and a hard boiled egg with more hot sauce on it!!
Happy to find out that chicken was spicy but good. See the 2 Sprites that Kathleen had to have to cool off her tounge!
Off to the narrow streets and markets. We did not buy anything in these pictures but looked at many things and bought a lot of other stuff. Don't know why we didn't take pictures of that stuff!! We will get better at this.

One man thought Kathleen wanted to buy a kitten, so he "caught" this one for her! YIKES!! He waas really skinny and scared. Look carefully and you can see him clawing the sidewalk! We hope he finds a nice family. We already have a cat.
One smart thing we have been trying to buy everywhere is a flag from every country we go to. The sun was setting as we were leaving Sri Lanka and Kathleen was freshly showered. I made her go out on the balcony and wave goodbye with her flag. There was a "pilot" boat escorting our ship out of the port. The military men on that boat saw her with that flag and went crazy. They were jumping and shouting, we could not understand but when they blew us a kiss and gave us a salute, we knew it was their way of saying thank you for liking our country. They are beautiful people and were very kind to us.

Goodbye Sri Lanka, hello Indian Ocean again. We are at sea until we arrive on Saturday morning, Feb. 24th at 9:00a.m. in Singapore, Singapore! Three sea days. Pray for smooth seas, as we will be in some of the most traveled ocean area in the world, we will pass many ships in the night, for 3 nights!! I will post happenings at sea if we have exciting news. I do know that tomorrow night we are going to a star gazing session with our guest lecturer, Jon Lomberg. Check out his webpage, he is amazing and our new friend. He is Nicholas' new trivia partner! He knows how to surround himself with Dartmouth graduates and astronomers!! Jon's webpage is http://www.jonlomberg.com/ We have been to all his lectures and they have been fascinating.
Kathleen outside the upgraded Pier 1. It was a beautiful shop. MANY bargains to be had there.
We had to keep touring so shopping was limited!! I liked it for the airconditioning and beautiful clean restrooms as well!
They did not steal our shoes!! As a matter of fact, it looks like nobody but the Welden's used a locker!
This cannon was left over from their Dutch days.
The US embassy. Could not see much. Mostly a wall. A lot of security. We were happy to know they had one.
I did not know if I would ever see a sign like this again, had to take a picture. I don't know if any of you at home are looking for colleges for your daughters right now....
Who knew that Feb. 20th is St. Bridgette's Feast Day?? Guess what, this is St. Bridgette's convent and private school. It was beautiful. They were having a celebration at 5:30p.m. but our ship sailed at 5:00p.m. Missed that too!
LUNCH TIME!!! Everybody dig in. After you figure out what you have here.
Kathleen and Nicholas are tryng to decide what they have in front of them The national food here is rice. They give you a lot of rice! Eating on a banana leaf. On the left is a fish ball, lots of peppers in the middle, some chicken and a hard boiled egg with more hot sauce on it!!
One man thought Kathleen wanted to buy a kitten, so he "caught" this one for her! YIKES!! He waas really skinny and scared. Look carefully and you can see him clawing the sidewalk! We hope he finds a nice family. We already have a cat.
Goodbye Sri Lanka, hello Indian Ocean again. We are at sea until we arrive on Saturday morning, Feb. 24th at 9:00a.m. in Singapore, Singapore! Three sea days. Pray for smooth seas, as we will be in some of the most traveled ocean area in the world, we will pass many ships in the night, for 3 nights!! I will post happenings at sea if we have exciting news. I do know that tomorrow night we are going to a star gazing session with our guest lecturer, Jon Lomberg. Check out his webpage, he is amazing and our new friend. He is Nicholas' new trivia partner! He knows how to surround himself with Dartmouth graduates and astronomers!! Jon's webpage is http://www.jonlomberg.com/ We have been to all his lectures and they have been fascinating.
Hi Weldens!! I saw some of your blog posts when I was babysitting at the Remberts. I have really enjoyed reading about your trip and seeing all of the cool pictures. I've learned a lot about geography and history just by reading the blogs you all have posted. It looks like you are having a blast!! You are missed at VHELP. We actually talked about you all at the lunch table today. :) I hope you continue to have a great trip. I will enjoy reading about your adventures. I'll see you when you get back to B'ham. Love, Miss Knorr
I can't believe you want to see a snake charmer! How funny that he took the day off because he made too much money the day before. Trust me he will notify all snake charmers in India that you are on your way! I think the picture of Nicky and Kathleen with their Coke and Sprite would make a good ad for a Coke commerical. Looks like it is the only thing Nicky liked. Thank goodness for Coke! Be careful. Love to all, Aunt Kathy.
Are you having fun? i wish that i was there!! have ya'll meet many new people? i will see you soom!
Sara Douglas
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