We took a short shuttle ride to a nearby town of Vina Del Mar. This small coastal town is the "posh" resort for Chile. Many condos, hotels, restaurants, shops etc... are crammed into a small beach area. They even have a very European looking casino. The shuttle dropped us off at a beautiful park. People were doing everything from sitting on park benches watching the world go by to selling their wares, to using the trees for restrooms,(actually just one cute little boy playing hide and seek with what looked to be his older sister, he "had to go" while hiding behind the tree, stood up, went, then got back into his hiding place!) to perfecting their pick pocketing skills. Unfortunately, some friends of ours from the UK were victims of the pick pocketing! Allen had his small billfold lifted and his wife Jenny, chased the crook through the streets of Vina Del Mar! She must be trying out for CSI:London on her return back home! She did not manage to catch the theif but gave it more of a go than I would have! Losing just a little cash, a credit card and his suite key on the ship, they managed to have a good day! Imagine that. They saw the adventure of the bad happen-stance and continued on. They are seasoned travellers and have a very chipper attitude toward unfortunate experiences!! We could all take a few lessons from them!
We managed to wander the streets and stumble across a wonderful restaurant, La Strega. In Italian, it means, The Witch. You guessed it, it was an italian restaurant! Bill and Stu were on the Welden Family tour and we all had a wonderful lunch. I wanted someone in the restaurant to show me on the map exactly where we were, so I went to the cash register. I asked in Spanish "Where are we"? "Donde estamos"? I guess no matter how hard you try to disguise a southern accent, it is like hiding an elephant in your bathroom. A man in the next room heard me. He came out and in beautiful English said to me "Where are you from"? Shocked at first, but managed, "Birmingham, Alabama". He said "I spent two years in Selma"!!! Seems he was in the Chilean Air Force and they sent him to the Air Force base in Selma for training!!!! He owns the restaurant and was a delight. Ivan, if you ever see this, thank you for a wonderful afternoon in Vina Del Mar. Your restaurant has all the charm of Sicily and the food is every bit as good. You made our day very special. If anyone is planning a trip to Chile, (Vina Del Mar) go see Ivan at La Strega on Ave. San Martin.
You can't help but notice the trees here. It is our first sighting of palm trees since we left Argentina. A beautiful sight, as this means warmer wether is on the horizon. We have been in cooler climates now for a few weeks and are ready to get rid of the jackets.
Dogs lay on sidewalks and in gutters like they own this town. You can see one right in the middle of a sidewalk in one photo. Nobody bothers them and they don't bother anybody. They seem well tended to and very comfy. Our guide said you can own a nice home and a new car here making about $12,000.00/year!! We did not give up our passports but were happy to know that the people here can live so well.
They have about 40 small mountains/hills. Each one has it's own lift/monorail up to their neighborhood from the main street. Very strange sight but very efficient. You can see the rails and the "stations" in some of the photos.
Since this is our last stop in Chile (proper) as Easter Island is owned by Chile, I have to tell you that the people here have been more than hospitable. They are very proud people. They are very beautiful people. They have made us feel at home so far away from home. Adios y bueno suerte y via con Dios!!
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