We arrived early and our group was the first to go out on zodiacs. This stop was for a swim! The pictures I feel sure will speak for themselves. We wallowed in geothermal mud and had fun. Some thought we were crazy but it was really nice once you dug far enough into the mud!! This is a spot that was been abandoned by all as it was a very active volcano area and it's last erruption in 1970 pretty much wiped everything out.
This afternoon will be our last excurion, it will be at Halfmoom Bay. I will try to post pictures when we get out into the dreaded drake!! That starts again tonight!
Hey Nick and Kathleen,
Im Evan. I don't even if you remember me from last summer in Russia and Turkey. I was thinking about you guys when I saw a T.V show about Antartica and remembered you all! Just checking in!
You can e-mail me at finnster12@me.com
Have fun! Hope to hear from you! It's been so long!
You guys are nuts! What....no dolphins to swim with?!
Love and miss you,
Aunt Patty
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