Kathleen and Nicholas posed like warriors by a "fake" that was in our hotel. They could not wait to see the real ones the next day!
And here they are!!! Look at them....thousands of them. In 1974 a farmer was digging a well for water. He was going deep, about 15 feet when he hit something, this something turned out to be a head of one of the warriors! Looking at the pit behind the kids, the area to the far right is the "edge" of the whole army. Had this farmer been digging a few inches more to the right, he would not have found them. He reported his findings to the government and they came to take a look. They unearthed many more soldiers and came to realize what they found was a small portion of the eight thousand strong underground army buried in front of the Emperor Qinshihuang's tomb, 221-207BC, to defend him in his afterlife. Over 700,000 forced laborers were sacrificed to construct his tomb, which began when he took the throne. The ceiling of the tomb was inlaid with pearls to represent the starry heaven. The floor made of stone, forms a map of the Chinese kingdom, a hundred rivers of mercury flow across the top of it. AND all of this was protected by deadly booby traps! The tomb today is not nearly finished being excavated. I was surprised by this. I was expecting to see all 8,000 warriors looking at me. How dumb was I? They were only found in 1974. They started working on them in 1975. They soon realized that the warriors were in bad shape. Not many were in full pieces. They had to be put back together! It would be like a 100 billion piece jigsaw puzzle! It is amazing what they have done. Some of the warriors have been brought up out of the pits and are in glass cases. You cannot see a seam anywhere on them. Amazing. What the Chinese also found out is that the warriors had bright colors when they were buried all those years ago and when they dug them up, they oxidized and they lost their color. This is one reason they have slowed down the unearthing. They are hoping to find a way to preserve their color, so many ae still buried. There are 3 pits for public view. All are in buildings that resemble buildings you'd see on the campus of a junior college built in the 1970's. However, one pit was recently discovered one mile away from these warriors. Pit 5. There is nothing in Pit 4, don't know why. Anyway, we had the priveledge of going to pit 5. Only Bill Clinton and Queen Elizabeth have been into Pit 1, but we were about to get to walk down into pit 5!
All around the pit 1-4 area were soldiers every 6 feet or so. Take a look at Pit 5. It is in this old blue metal building! They said it was to keep people from really knowing it was there. All that guarded it was one man in street clothes and a really mean dog!
Lunch after the warriors. Kathleen is desperate for Charles not to ask the server to bring him a FORK!! She wanted him to use the chopsticks!!
An Asian toilet. These are all the rage here. You get a squats workout when you use the restroom. No wonder there are no obese Chinese people!
You can see the top of the pagoda from this distance. The kids bought paper kites and tried to fly them. All was going well until Nicholas' kite got tangled up with a Chinese lady's kite. That kid of ended the kite flying. It was fun while it lasted and the kites cost about 50 cents for 3 of them.

Here is the tangle. Everyone in the square came over to try to help. All I wanted to do was tell the lady we would give her our extra kite and we would head to the airport! We were ready to see Hong Kong. We had a great trip to Xi'an, loaded with history, but you can see in every picture, no sky. Very sad for the people that live there. I was ready for warmth and blue sky. On to Hong Kong....

Here is the tangle. Everyone in the square came over to try to help. All I wanted to do was tell the lady we would give her our extra kite and we would head to the airport! We were ready to see Hong Kong. We had a great trip to Xi'an, loaded with history, but you can see in every picture, no sky. Very sad for the people that live there. I was ready for warmth and blue sky. On to Hong Kong....
1 comment:
how r u 2 day i am cheacking out @9:30 2 go 2 st barts i wish i was there have u eaten all 48 pop tarts yet??its the same here BORING!!!!!!!!!!how is ur room i bet u r having sooo much fun were no i cant wait till u get back thanks 4 letting us use ur locker we already decorated it g2g cant wait till u get back!!!!!!!! *EMMA*
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