Togo is a tiny country. It is 365 miles from south to north from the coast and at it's widest point is only 90 miles wide. It is bordered by Benin to the east and Ghana to the west and Burkina Faso to the north.
Internet reception and telephone reception is extremely poor here, as are the people for that matter. Voodoo is the largest "religion" here, so says our guide. They believe that when a baby is born, he/she is coming back as a former family member and it is not unusual to have a little baby with the name grandpa! The voodoo ceremonies here they say are "the real thing". We went to one. What was real was, they buried a live chicken, they cut their arms until they bled, they put their hands in boiling hot oil and rubbed it on themselves and they put a baby boy in a basket out in the sun while he screamed his head off until his mom came out and got him. People were spinning around in grass skirts and had some sort of dirt smeared all over themselves.
We were in a village, off the beaten path so to speak and to say that it was a hot day...well, it felt like it was 1,000 degrees. It was comforting to know that we are all on Malaria pills! The internet is not strong enough to post photos tonight.
The photos of the school children singing to us and the villages and the voodoo ceremony will have to wait until we have better service. You won't believe it!