Monday, June 30th, we leave for Istanbul, Turkey. We will spend one night there and then board the Regent ship named the "Navigator". We will cruise the Black Sea and then have one night in Athens, Greece before taking a flight to Copenhagen, Denmark. We will meet "old" World Cruise friends to celebrate our sweet friend Jay Silberman's birthday. He'll be 50!!!!
Tune in as we try some new things with our site. PODCASTS. They would be daily from wherever we might be. We are still learning, so bear with us as we try to get it right. In the meantime, keep up with our travels, through Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Crimea, Russia, Greece, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, St. Petersburg, Russia, Helsinki, Finland, Stockholm, Sweden and then back to Alexander City, Alabama!!! We return July 26th late. Lots to see and do!! Keep up and let us know you are watching us!